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What Are Resilient Crops?

Shifts in weather patterns and harsh weather conditions are phenomena that humankind has been witnessing for many years. These occurrences can impact our day-to-day lives in many ways, particularly in…

Aflatoxins in the U.S. Food Supply

Not many of us know that aflatoxins contamination has been recorded as contributing to 25% of estimated loss of the world’s food supply. However, some of us may see aflatoxin…

A Quick Look Into Dairy Production

Dairy is often something I rely on—ice cream and froyo keep me cool in the summer, hot chocolate and lattes keep me warm in the winter, and a cold glass…

Glyphosate 101: Gaining Food Safety Insights

You may have recently read news about glyphosate, a widely utilized pesticide, and concerns about the safety of it being used and potential consumer exposure. With this increased focus on…

Hemp Cultivation and Regulation

Hemp, a strain of the Cannabis sativa plant, has a long history in the United States—much longer than the current craze for cannabidiol (CBD) products. In fact, hemp has not…

The U.S. Food Supply Amid COVID-19

Amid the new normal of social distancing, video–call family reunions, and limited trips outside our homes, it seems that people are cooking more than usual. This may be the reason…